Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Challenge #1 New and Old World Ingredients

My husband and I are beginning a new game. He will come up with a challenge and I will come up with the meal. The challenge can be a riddle, theme, secret ingredient, or rules to follow. The idea started when I was watching the latest episode of my cooking obsessions. Top Chef, Dinner Impossible, Chopped, Iron Chef, etc. Doesn't really matter which one. Every time I watch these I inevitable say "I should try and make that." Well here is my chance.

Here goes.....

Challenge #1

I want you to make a 3 course meal (the courses can be anything: three
appetizers, or a entree or desert)

The first course should contain only ingredients that originate from the new world ingredients. This includes spices and everything.

The second course should include only old world ingredients

The third course should be an even mix of the two.

The deadline is Monday night when my hubby returns from a conference. Armed with the internet, my cookbooks, and taste buds I am ready and accept the challenge.